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  Below is a small selection of spots around the Web that you may find useful - I know I have - in your search for nocturnal nibbles. I also tossed in a few related things just for fun. As always, if I'm missing something you know to be vital and fabulous and fantastic and amazing... or just kind'a neat let me know.

          Cocktail Bar

Los Angeles CitySearch - Restaurants
They cover a lot more than restaurants and a lot more than LA, but lets focus, shall we? An amazingly comprehensive search service listing almost every eatery in the area, complete with useful details and customer reviews. My only quibble is with their apparent belief that you fall off the end of the Earth if you go west of Van Nuys. Your Insider Guide to Los Angeles
Not nearly as comprehensive as Citysearch, but they do manage to get the occasional place that CS misses.

AOL CityGuide

LA Weekly - Eat & Drink
What's hot and what's not. Restaurant reviews and heads-up articles on where to find the best of this or that in and around LA.

Kind of a Citysearch meets LA Weekly with an aura of chi-chi thrown in for color. Knowledgeable reviews, ratings and best-of lists worth perusing.

A city guide by the people and for the people. Ratings and reviews exclusively by the average joe-blow common folk who've gone to these places (usually) and know how to use a keyboard (variously).

Rate A Restaurant
The Blog of Mike and Maria who are… two people who like to eat out a lot. Beyond that, got me. But they've got scads of well-written, highly informative reviews, often accented with very pretty pics.

Best of LA
Quirky blog filled with intel about LA eateries, general night spots and food qua food.

Low End Theory's LA Restaurants
As the title would suggest, a blog covering dining spots on the minor end of the price spectrum.

Why fuss with some snooty maÎtre d' on the phone? Open Table handles reservations for over 500 dining spots from Santa Barbara to San Diego. Perfect for the point-and-click epicurean.

Maps of whatever, directions to wherever - mind you, not always the most direct directions, or even truly accurate directions. But isn't that part of the adventure of travel?!... No, I don't really think so, either.

Wherever you go, there you are... along with several thousand other idiots, most of whom with dubious driving skills, jamming up the roadways. This site can give you the real-time sig alerts on traffic conditions all over the LA basin. So, maybe you won't be two hours late for that next reservation after all.

Roadside Peek SoCal Eateries
They are the lingering relics of epicurean architecture gone-by: Googie, Deco, Retro, Tiki and Godknowswhat. Some still standing proudly in all their shining oddness, some just barely clinging on and some mere memories on a website. Click that mouse button and let your kitschiness be your guide through SoCal's gastronomic past. (the rest of the site's well worth a browse-through as well)

James Lileks' Gallery of Regrettable Food
Nostalgia for Atomic Age architecture - absolutely. Nostalgia for Atomic Age food... not so much. To see why, take a tour through James Lileks' compendia of pics from recipe books past. A full-color fright show of freakishly molded meat, unidentifiable casseroles, Sputnik-inspired appetizers, alien spore-like Jell-O molds and vegetables cooked to the consistency of wood caulking. All supplemented by Lileks' running commentary.

The Stained Apron
Hands down, the scariest link on this page... particularly depending on how you've treated your waitpersons in the past. An eye-opening look into the dining experience from the server's point of view. And what an ugly, jaundiced, vicious, sometimes criminally malicious (if occasionally amusing) view it is.

          Cocktail Bar